Morgan Rudluff, CMT

CAMTC Certified #76631


I’m a born an’ raised California gal. I use she/her pronouns. I like local vegetables and beaches and redwoods. I love to camp and dance and laugh. I have always been a voracious learner and adventurer. One could say that a hobby of mine is “general experimenting." My mother is a yoga instructor and my father is an artist. I spent my childhood wanting to be a doctor and a healer. I grew up rurally and my options were primarily sports and chores, so I did a lot of those things.

In my mid-30’s I moved from Santa Cruz to San Francisco to study at the San Francisco School of Massage. There I cultivated an anatomically focused deep-tissue and western modality based education which I parlayed into full time massage work and, eventually, a full-time private practice. An extrovert and educator at heart, I keep my connection to the classroom now as an instructor at SFSM. I consider this role to be one of the great honors of my professional life as I get to be both steward and influencer to the next generation of massage therapists in the Bay Area. I continue my own contemporary education through CE courses and consistent self study. I have done additional coursework in the modalities of: manual lymphatic drainage, pregnancy massage, Modern Therapeutic Cupping, body-reading the myofascial meridians, and functional anatomy through cadaver study and dissection courses.

I am dedicated to science. I am dedicated to Oneness. I am clinically minded and holistically inclined. My bodywork definitely leans to the goal-focused therapeutic side of the spectrum, though I know for certain I am anchored to the power of loving intention and good ole’ fashioned attentive, attuned touch. I like to say that I am simply a massage therapist with good hands and a good heart.

So… How did I get here? Well, I had a first career before the one I’m in now. I spent over a decade as a professional sand sculptor. This career came with some incredible stories to tell, some wicked shoveling blisters, and an exploration into my own creativity that has proven itself to be invaluable. I had the opportunity to work on a Guinness Book of World Records world’s tallest sand castle. I had a two-year run on a sand sculpting reality tv show, and I’ve competed in at least 30 professional-level competitions. Basically, in all those years I made art. Lots and lots and lots of art. I lived it. It was awesome.

Eventually though, the jet-lag and the physical labor began to wear me down. I suffered and recovered from injuries. I over worked and I under self-cared and one day it just became unbearably clear that it was time for me to slow down, descend my roots, and return to my original calling: healing. The art of healing and being well. The art of being a human. The work may be bodywork, but the art I now practice is massage, presence, and listening. And, if I’m honest, a modest sand sculpture here and there, of course ;)

To my massage practice I bring my creativity and my ability to listen to those deep messages from beyond. I bring my passion and commitment. I bring my hands that have learned to “see” and sculpt. I bring my strength. I bring compassion for pain and circumstance. I bring my diligence for studying and my curiosity about humanity. I am honored to do the work that I do. Thank you for your time and choosing to spend it with me.


Some sculpture work over the past decade or so…